Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Post!

For my assignment on the principles of composition I chose a matryoshka doll as my subject with "balance" as my principle. Maybe it's sort of cheating, since we were only supposed to use one subject, but the dolls are all different components of one big doll, and I didn't think it was right to use one without photographing all of them. I thought it would be a perfect object for this principle of composition since every doll becomes proportionally smaller than the other, and that already creates a lot of balance. I used all the dolls as one subject to emphazsize that balance.

1 comment:

JaneM said...

Hi Laura,
Not cheating to use all the dolls at all, just your interpretation of object. The first image feels the most successful, would you agree? The positive shape of the dolls on the right balances the negative space on the left...
My question to you is: did you think about pushing the principle of balance to its opposite extreme--making an image that feels very unbalanced?
Also, did you think about what these images communicate beyond a use of a principle of composition?
You can answer these questions in email, or in class tomorrow and we can talk further about your assignment.
See you then,